| Channel Name | This is the name inbox, this will be used across the application. | N/A |
| Channel Type | Select SMS, if you are integrating an SMS channel. Select Whatsapp, if you have a verified Whatsapp number in Twilio. | N/A |
| Phone Number | This is the number you will be using to communicate with your customer. This has to be verified in Twilio. | Enter your number as in the Twilio Dashboard |
| Account SID | Account SID in Twilio Console | Login to Twilio Console. Here, you would be able to see the Account SID and the Auth Token |
| Auth Token | Auth token for the account | Login to the Twilio Console. Here, you would be able to see the Account SID and the Auth Token |
If it is an SMS Channel, then you don't need to do anything else. You will start receiving the messages in the dashboard whenever a customer sends you one.